Should there be a nationwide moratorium on all evictions, foreclosures and utility shut offs as the nation responds to the coronavirus outbreak? In my opinion, it would be both wrong and dangerous to kick people out of their homes during the COVID-19 crisis. Some lenders, landlords, and utility providers have now agreed to help as people practice social distancing.
As of yesterday, many cities and counties have agreed that there should be a moratorium. The Real Estate Board of New York, together with apartment owners representing over 150,000 rental units pledged to suspend eviction warrants for the next 90 day. San Francisco, Philadelphia, and other states are considering doing the same. In addition, many courts are postponing all “nonessential functions of the court” meaning those types of hearings will not take place.
As we all hunker down during this crisis be sure to contact your lender, landlord and utility carriers to see what resources are available to assist with any income shortfalls. Many companies such as AT&T, Spectrum, Verizon, T-Mobile have been asked by the FCC not to terminate services and suspend shutoffs.
Photo Credit: NYTimes